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Showing posts with the label HAITIShow all
The Vodou Ethic and the Spirit of Communism: The Practical Consciousness of the African People of Haiti
Black Man on the Titanic: The Story of Joseph Laroche
Fighting for Honor: The History of African Martial Art in the Atlantic World
The Slaves Who Defeated Napoleon: Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian War of Independence, 1801–1804
Vodou Shaman: The Haitian Way of Healing and Power
Vodou: Visions and Voices of Haiti
Vodou Songs in Haitian Creole and English
Vodou Saints: Lessons on Life, Death and Resurrection from Haiti
Haitian Vodou: An Introduction to Haiti's Indigenous Spiritual Tradition
The Book of Vodou: Charms and Rituals to Empower Your Life
Secrets of Voodoo
Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn
Vodou in Haitian Life and Culture: Invisible Powers
The Haitian Maroons: Liberty or Death
Maroon Nation: A History of Revolutionary Haiti
Black Labor, White Sugar: Caribbean Braceros and Their Struggle for Power in the Cuban Sugar Industry