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Showing posts with the label BRAZILShow all
The People of the River: Nature and Identity in Black Amazonia, 1835–1945
Afro-Brazilian Numerology: Awakening Your Better Self with the Wisdom of the Orishas
Fighting for Honor: The History of African Martial Art in the Atlantic World
Nagô Grandma and White Papa: Candomblé and the Creation of Afro-Brazilian Identity
Black Women against the Land Grab: The Fight for Racial Justice in Brazil
Fetishes and Monuments Afro-Brazilian Art and Culture in the Twentieth Century
The Anti-Black City: Police Terror and Black Urban Life in Brazil
Afro-Paradise: Blackness, Violence, and Performance in Brazil
Frontiers of Citizenship: A Black and Indigenous History of Postcolonial Brazil
Capoeira: The History of an Afro-Brazilian Martial Art