Almost thirty years after Malcolm X's assassination, his autobiography continues to sell more than 150,000 copies a year, and a spate of books, articles, and films in the 1990s have generated a groundswell of interest in the man who redefined America through his analysis of racism and his activism in the service of Black liberation worldwide. But, in the process, as Jan Carew observes in Ghosts in Our Blood, the significance of Malcolm's legacy has often eluded us.
Combining the lyricism of the poet with the breadth of the scholar, Carew, whose conversations with Malcolm in Britain influenced the revolutionary's thinking toward the end of his life, captures Malcolm the intellectual in pursuit of a new vision of race and a global political movement uniting progressive Blacks and whites. For the first time, readers will gain an intimate knowledge of Malcolm's breakthrough to an internationalist vision following his historic trip to Mecca, his travels throughout Africa, and his life among the Black expatriate community in London. Central also to the intricate discussions that transpire between Malcolm and Carew is their common Caribbean heritage, which Carew unfolds in the first full-fledged treatment of the history of Malcolm's Grenadian and Garveyite mother.