This is Charles L. Westbrook’s rare and explosive book with the full title America’s Oldest Secret –
The Talisman of the United States – The Mysterious Street Lines of Washington DC – Signature of
the Invisible Brotherhood (1990) which exposes in detail how a secret society planned and build the
whole city of Washington DC according to their philosophy which originates thousands of years in
the past. Westbrook’s pioneer research into the esoteric meaning behind the map of Washington
DC and other cities reveals an astonishing secret known only to a select few while remaining
completely unknown to most of Americans. Are the dizzy road patterns which make up the map of
Washington DC really a coincidence of ignorant city planners or is there an occult meaning behind
it all? As the author clearly proves, Washington DC and many other cities across the globe have
been accurately planned according to the occult philosophy of a secret society known as