This book, compiled durting the last two years of the author's life, demonstrates the growth, development and consistency of Kwame Nkrumah's political thought. It contains many key documents previously unpublished. Editorials and articles from the Accra Evening News, speeches and broadcasts, as well as key sections from books and pamphlets written in Conakry, Guinea between 1966-1971 illustrate landmarks in his life as a leading theorist and ardent activist of the African and world socialist revolutionary struggle.
Kwame Nkrumah died April 27, 1972 in Bucharest, Roumania, far from his beloved Africa. He was fighting to recover his health so tha he might continue to serve the people of Africa and the cause fulled his whole life-the liberation of all Africa, the endign of all forms of explotation and oppression throughout the world.