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101 Black Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Leaders in Black History

Beyond a Black History book, this book will spark curiosity and motivate children, as well as adults to learn more about STEM related topics while making them proud of their heritage. Black Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics honors incredible and inspiring black women who pushed past the bounds of human knowledge and broke down the thought barriers of their and our time. We have selected 101 of the most extraordinary black women across all the sciences from the 1800s to today. We celebrate these black leaders from the past through today who paved the way for future generations of black women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Spotlighting their stories is about more than just augmenting black history. It’s about understanding the cultural attitudes, historical forces, and social realities that made science what it is today—and what it will be tomorrow. If just one of these women had gotten fed up and quit, as others do, the history of science would have been poorer for it. Children shouldn’t grow up thinking that STEM learning means boring textbook reading. Instead, this book will get them excited about science through fun and motivational stories. Our main goal is to introduce STEM-related concepts and present STEM-associated careers in an inspiring and entertaining way. We have included within the stories STEM concepts and definitions in order to enrich understanding, but we have left other concepts for your child to discover on their own or to engage adults in conversation about. We hope this will improve discussion and quality time between parents and kids. At the end of the book, we have included an exploration journal for children to describe their learning experience. 





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